Client Introduction

The client is an innovative and cutting edge staffing software company having a unique platform that’s powering businesses in over 14 countries with over 42,000 users. Aiming to be an IT tech partner for the entire staffing industry, the client primarily focuses on staffing, secondment and facilities.

Requirements & Specifications

Due to the nature of the platform, having an updated online database of the entire recruitment sector was crucial for the client. From LinkedIn, they needed a thorough data mining of the staffing or recruitment services organisations in UK. The requirements are

  • Comprehensive data mining for highly skilled senior management positions such as CEO, CTO, CFO, COO, president, operations head and so on.
  • Types of employment permanent, temporary, contract basis or executive search
  • Listings of the companies with more than or equal to 50 employees

Team assigned

We assigned 3 data mining experts, with a project coordinator to work on this project.


  • The client sends us the raw company data of different European countries.
  • the company data gets added to the CRM software using a LinkedIn integration tool.
  • The companies are checked whether they meet client requirements (number of employees, types of employment5. If a company lacks any of the required details, it doesn t get added to the software.
  • Once the company data is added to the CRM software, we find the vacancy pages along with their potential users in the CRM software using a particular string given by the client.
  • After adding the details, the search begins on LinkedIn and CRM software using a LinkedIn integration tool. The search commences for highly skilled senior management positions such as CEO, CTO, CFO, COO, president, and operations head.
  • Using a data enrichment tool, the experts search and find at least 3 contacts & their details for each company.
  • The tools that were used in the process were purchased by the client and the team were given access to it.

Challenges Faced

  • Searching for a company was a challenge as the company presence would be there on LinkedIn but, not on the web. So, we did an extensive google search to find the company presence on third party portals. This process would lead us to find different companies having a similar name. Due to such complications, the experts spent at least half & an hour finding the right company.
  • Some of the company websites wouldn’t have a vacancy page. At this point, the client was informed promptly and depending on the client s response, the experts add or remove the company from CRM software.
  • Not all the contact details are available on LinkedIn. Sometimes details on LinkedIn and website contradicts. So, we suggested a solution If we are unable to have the contact details of senior level management, we try to find the contact details of middle level management. (If the company president s Number-Email ID isn’t found then we search for the contact details of the CEO/operations head5. Using that data, the client gets access to the contact details of senior level management.
  • While the client asked for 3 contacts per company, we provided at least 12 to 14 contacts per company.

Points worth citing

You might have noticed no mention of quality checks as that was done by the client. The client was able to see the daily project progress online. He checked each detail and was extremely happy with the outcome. So, as per the client, the accuracy level was 100%.

Work volume, Quality, Accuracy & Turnaround-

From 5184 companies, we have successfully added 2199 contacts of 733 companies to the CRM software. We are pleased to say that we maintained a supreme global level quality adhering to the deadlines set by the client.


  • The client was overwhelmed with happiness seeing our quality, accuracy and cost effectiveness.
  • The client didn’t just extend the project with us but we are now entrusted with even more responsibilities than before.
  • Initially, the project remained limited to one country. After the success of the first project, today, it got extended to, adding company details of 16 countries namely, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden, France, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Norway, Luxemburg, Italy and Denmark (till December5. The client also added USA and Finland to the list recently.