Client Introduction

Our client is a global investment management firm specializing in direct investments for private investors. Based in Geneva and having a presence in London, Hong Kong, New York, and Cairo, the client helps the investors to create customized investment programs that meet specific criteria and objectives, adjusting to the investor needs.

Requirements & Specifications

Having presence in the major global cities, and yet expanding the base quickly across the globe, the client aims to maintain the status quo for a foreseeable future. The company wanted to evaluate its current top leadership through accurate employee appraisal. After having the various assessment forms filled up by the team, the client needed a detailed, accurate and well presented data analysis reports for more effective operational processes and sound business growth. For this, they wanted a data management partner that can quickly do employee data analysis and provide annual statistics and particulars as quickly as possible.

Team assigned

For the project, we assigned 2 experienced data analysts along with a project coordinator.


• We receive individual and corporate assessment forms from the client. For the proper data analysis, the data gets converted into a clear word file.
• The assessment forms have different types of questions. A few of them required written responses and, multiple choice tables required the candidate to choose one answer from the given options.
• The experts properly edit, correct and format the written responses while multiple choice tables were transformed into a bubble chart.
• In the multiple choice tables, each answer was given a particular rating. After receiving the client approval on the ratings, the excel formulas (based on the ratings) were manually created by the experts. The formulas help the experts to generate a bubble chart of the answers. In the bubble chart, the data points are replaced with bubbles, and an additional dimension of the data is represented in the size of the bubbles.
• The data is then sent to the quality analysts to ensure a satisfying quality and complete accuracy.
• The final output was emailed in the client preferred format. (Word or a PDF).

Work volume, quality, accuracy & turnaround

Our experts delivered an employee appraisal analysis of 40 employees within 3 days. We were able to maintain a 100% accuracy level.

Challenges faced

• Providing the best, most precise & satisfactory outcome within a very strict deadline put pressure on the team.
• The assessment forms were based on factors including employee views on company culture, recommendations on training, tools, technology, their likes dislikes, accomplishments, preferences, skill utilisation, factors that can encourage a better working environment, teamwork, job satisfaction and so on.
• Thoroughly analysing each of those factors and providing a detailed report of 40 employees within 3 days was a challenge. However, it gives us satisfaction to say that we were able to accomplish the task within the given deadline.


• The client was satisfied with our ability to provide detailed data analysis within the deadline without jeopardising the quality.
• Our data analysis solutions helped the client to identify the factors that were improving the business growth and the ones delaying it.